Sister Geraldine Noonan Recognized for Volunteer Service
Volunteer Ombudsman Recognized
After her retirement, Sister Geraldine Noonan, SP became a nursing home ombudsman for Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc. (GSSSI) and continued in that role for the next 18 years!
The long-term care ombudsman program is a state and federally mandated service for all residents in area nursing and rest homes to ensure that their personal rights are respected and that they receive treatment in clean, comfortable environments. They visit with residents and listen to the concerns, address issues affecting the quality of their care. They investigate complaints made by residents or family members, and work with the facility to resolve them.
As ombudsman, Sister Geraldine has served at three long-term care facilities, most recently at the Agawam East Nursing and Rehabilitation / Memory Care. She visited the facility at least once a week, as well as attended a monthly meeting for ombudsmen at the Greater Springfield Senior Services Office. At yearend, she resigned from her volunteer role.
Much to her surprise, on February 26, 2024 Allan Mitchell, GSSSI supervisor of the ombudsman program, and Darlene Routeir, assistant, invited Sister Geraldine to lunch and presented her with an approximately 14-inch tall lantern with a candle inside. On the glass was engraved: “In recognition of 18 years of dedicated service. Your example guides us all. GSSSI LTC Ombudsman.”
In addition, Sister Geraldine was presented with a letter from Carolyn Finn, director of the Massachusetts Executive Office – Long-term Care Ombudsman Program, in which she thanked Sister Geraldine for her many years of service saying she was an “invaluable member of the team since 2005” and added “you have been steadfast in your commitment and advocacy for vulnerable adults…We have been truly blessed with your many gifts and are most grateful….you are a shining example of meaningful service to others, without fanfare or fuss!”
Sister Geraldine was well prepared for her ombudsman role. Following courses in gerontology at St. Mary of-the-Woods College in Indiana, she became the activities and retirement director for the Sisters of Providence; simultaneously she began service as retirement research director for the Worcester Retirement Collaborative Planning Committee. Next she ministered in spiritual care at the Beaven Kelly Home in Holyoke and then, for the following seven years, was the administrator of St. Luke’s Home, an 89-unit rest home in Springfield, Mass.