Three honors in three months for Sister Mary Caritas Geary
Sister Mary Caritas Geary, SP has received three honors in the past three months.
In October, the President of Bay Path University presented Sister Mary Caritas with its 2022 President’s Award in a festive event at the University attended by benefactors, trustees, staff and students. In announcing the honor, Bay Path President Sandra Doran, JD recognized Sister Caritas as a great source of support for her as she assumed her role and said, “Her advice has been invaluable, and it is especially meaningful to me as Sister Caritas has the highest regard for the students, staff, and alumni of Bay Path.” As the photo in the program exclaims: “Congratulations to our star!”
In December, Sister Mary Caritas was named a “Woman of Impact” by Business West, a business journal of Western Massachusetts, and was honored with others at the Sheraton Hotel in Springfield, Mass. with a gala celebration and dinner. Already in her 100th year, Sister Caritas’ extraordinary career includes 16 years as the President/CEO of Mercy Medical Center, former President of the Sisters of Providence, a member of numerous national and local boards and committees (some that she continues to today) and a leader of many local civic causes.
Sisters of Providence, colleagues from the Sisters of Providence Ministry Corporation and Mercy Medical Center were on hand to celebrate this well-deserved honor.
Earlier in the month, Sister Mary Caritas was recognized by local and regional legislators and civic leaders at an event in Amherst, Mass., for her nuclear disarmament work. She joined Back from the Brink (BftB), a grass roots organization started in 2017 and has worked with its leaders – Ira Helfand and Sean Meyer – to enlist support from hundreds of municipalities and states, elected officials, and varied organizations. Their five-point program calls for revamping U.S. weapons policies — with the hope our country could lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war.
Back from the Brink honored Sister Mary Caritas, together with three legislators, for their strong efforts in supporting Back from the Brink’s campaign.
Nearing her 100th birthday 2023, Sister Caritas’ schedule remains full with daily engagements, such as recently offering comments welcoming the Massachusetts Governor and Lt. Governor as they attended a major event in Western Massachusetts!
AT THE EVENT: Sisters of Providence and SP Ministry Corporation Staff
Sister Mary Caritas Geary, SP, (center-green dress), Woman of Impact.
Seated: Sister Ruth McGoldrick, Cheryl Wesolowski; Middle row: Sister Kathleen Popko, Sister Caritas, Sister Madeleine Joy and Sister Julie Crane; Back row: Sister Senga Fulton, Anne Chapdelaine, Rachael St. Cyr, and John Wesolowski.